
Research talk 3 - Recommending Remedial Learning Materials to the Students by Filling their Knowledge Gaps

Rui Meng

Related paper: Recommending Remedial Learning Materials to the Students by Filling their Knowledge Gaps

This is a invited talk from Konstanin Bauman at WI2016.

Recommending Remedial Learning Materials to the Students by Filling their Knowledge Gaps, invited talk at WI2016

Recommending Remedial Learning Materials to the Students by Filling their Knowledge Gaps, invited talk at WI2016

Their research mainly concerns the online education scenario. They proposed a method to identify gaps in students’ knowledge of online courses and recommend students with helpful remedial materials. Specifically speaking, the knowledge they try to capture is based on a knowledge tree, in which the leaves are topics from a domain taxonomy(automatically built from the syllabus). The knowledge gap is identified based on the feedback from course quizzes questions. If a student has a low performance score in a topic, we may presume that this student has a knowledge gap in this topic. Thus we can provide him/her recommendation materials by emailing to help fill the gap.

An A/B test on 910 students has been carried out to evaluate this approach. The improvement of average score on exam indicates the effectiveness of proposed recommendation method.